Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sports Gadget - Nike+

I consider myself a geeky kind of guy, living in a geeky kind of world....  As a geek, a common geek, I love gadgets...  Gadget is a part of me, and I love trying new gadgets...  In doing sports, I happen to bring gadgets with me...

As you can see in the sidebar, I use nike+ chip to track my calories and my runs.  Nike+ chip can be paired with an ipod or a sportband.  I happen to use the nike+ ipod part.  

Nike+ ipod measure pace, distance and calories.  It even create a graph of your runs, which can be stored and shared in the nike plus website.  I believe the nike+ sportband do as much without the tunes.

Using the nike+ website you can take challenges or race with other nike+ user.  Competing with other people creates a good motivation for your sports activity.

The nike+ chip can be use with nike+ shoes or you can even buy a pouch like shown below from amazon, for about US$5-10, to use it with any shoes.  The nike+ pouch is made by grantwood technology.  Details about it can be viewed in their website.
Officially, Apple recommended not to disassemble the nike+ chip.  So when the battery runs out you need to buy a new one.  But instructables.com can give you a great walkthrough if you ever want to disassemble it yourself.

During the workout, Nike+ chip can give you accurate information about your calories output.  It calculate your calories using variables such as your weight, incline and the temperature.  The chip can be calibrated to maintain accuracy.

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